Things That Could Hurt Your Teeth

0508561001631824646.jpgTaking care of your teeth if one of the easiest and most aesthetically pleasing ways to live a healthy and happy life! Improving your oral health care is the first step towards improving your overall wellbeing, and it’s important to be aware of the little things you can avoid in your daily life to ensure your teeth are at their healthiest!

Food and Drink

Food and drinks full of sugar create a bacteria breeding haven in your mouth! That bacteria can then cause cavities and tooth decay, often leading to gum disease. Acidic foods break down tooth enamel and often start to dissolve tooth structure, inevitably causing cavities. To make matters worse, dehydration and a dry mouth allows for bacteria to multiply even more quickly, and that bacteria can then prevent saliva from protecting your teeth from the acid in your mouth!

Excessive Strain

Using your teeth as tools, biting your nails, chewing ice, or grinding your teeth, are all not only often painful, but also cause excessive wear and erosion on your teeth. This excessive strain can lead to unsightly chipping and cracked teeth, leaving your teeth exposed and sensitive.


Failure to brush and floss regularly, or a disregard for oral safety practices like wearing an athletic guard while playing sports, are both examples of neglect that can be dangerous for your oral health. While failure to brush and floss regularly can leave your mouth exposed to internal problems like oral disease, external dangers from unprotected athletic activity can result in traumatic injuries.

Remember, upkeep of your oral health is one way you can strive to be your healthiest every day!

If you have any questions about taking care of your teeth, or to schedule your next appointment with Mountain View dentist Dr. Pirouznia of Mountain View Smiles, call 650-968-5024 today!

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